Update of 9-30-2000

LTW Corner

This is the update following the Michigan 11th Annual Pen Show.  Much of the new material you find in this update are from items that I was shown by various people I met at this event.  These include friends and contributors that I have had the privilege of knowing for some time: Craig Bozorth, C. Eric Fonville, and Susan Wirth.

I also met someone new who was an instant contributor to this edition.  He allowed me to take the photographs to share with you.  His name is Peter Hemmes who came to Michigan all the way from The Netherlands.  Larry Shelton of Florida provided me with corrections pertaining to the National Geographic advertisements..

I want to publicly thank all these fine folks to let me share their pen photos and contributions with all of you.

As always, I welcome your feedback/criticisms on this site.  Or if you are selling your Parker 75s, let me know what you have.  I also have some spares 75s for sale; just let me know what you are looking for.  Send me email at the LTW@Parker75.com address.

Thanks for visiting!


Site updates of 09-30-2000


Update list of 08-31-00