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Prototype 10 - Speckled lacquer BP

Olive-brown version

This is probably a test-market color in this speckled olive-brown lacquer, likely to be limited to the local French market.  While this is just the BP, there is likely to exist the FP in a matching color.

Update of 10-31-2001

I am checking into a comment on this pen.  It appears that these speckled lacquer pens only came as a BP and Parker promoted them as members of the 35 family line, not 75.  I am trying to confirm this.  If you know or have Parker documents, please email me.

So far as of October 2007 I have not yet found any documentation supporting this claim.


Update of 07-23-2005 —

Light Grey version



Update of 12-18-2005

Brown version

Maroon version


The production date code TE indicates this pen was produced during 1Q1985.


Update of 09-30-2007

Dark grey version

The production date code TE indicates this pen was produced during 1Q1985.


Blue version

The production date code TE indicates this pen was produced during 1Q1985.