Happy holidays!I am updating a little ahead of schedule so that I may wish you a good and safe holiday season spent in the company of loved ones and friends. And may Y2002 bring you good health and much happiness! |
For this update, I am very happy and humbled by the newest contributor -- Mr. Geoffrey Parker. Yes, as his surname might suggest, he is related to the pen company. In fact, his grandfather Kenneth was the man that directed the company to develop the 75 line. Geoff shares with us something only a Parker family member can -- the Atlas Booster 75 FP in the Parker family archives. He was kind enough to photograph this very special edition pen, one of only 4 that exists.
A second new contributor to this website is Jon Rosenbaum who gives another sample of a US 75 that has a date code. It may be that any US model made from 1979 to the end of US production may be so coded.
The third new contributor is John McCloskey. He recently sold an interesting titanium felt-tip on eBay. It had complete packaging that included papers implying it was both a Parker 75 and a T-1. John provided pictures of this interesting item and the papers it contained.
Thank you Geoff, Jon, and John!
I also want to acknowledge and thank additional contributions from Mr. Marco Antonetto and Mike Quitt. Marco continues to provide more images of the special packaging for various Parker 75s destined for the Italian market. Mike has given me an interesting pocket calendar picturing the Parker 75.
As always, I welcome your feedback/criticisms on this site. I am always interested in hearing from you, especially if you have some 75 that you don't see here. Even better if you want to sell it to me. Or if you are looking for a particular 75 or have need of parts, drop me a note. I might just have it. Send me email at the LTW@Parker75.com address.
Thanks for visiting and Happy Holidays everyone!
Here is what's new in the Parker 75 Reference section.
Italian market packaging of the sterling Fougère, the Laque Red and Green, and various boxes
Atlas booster rocket 75 FP
Another sample of a US-made 75 with a date code, this one from 1980.
A 1966 wallet calendar with the famous Parker 75 sterling grid pictured. Made by Parker for the Shriro Trading Company Ltd of Japan.
A keychain with the popular crosshatch grid pattern and Parker logo.
Interesting titanium felt-tip packaging with papers identifying it as both a 75 and T-1.