I recently acquired this BP as it was something I have never seen before. It is a goldplated BP 75 in a smooth finish that was made in Canada. The finish is excellent and it appears to bear a striking resemblance to the Presidential 75 BP except for that unusual barrel taper.
The tassie is indented but without the circular aluminum disc.
This taper makes the BP look unlike any other 75 BP I have seen. It starts about an inch away from the point, much closer and thus less gradual than other BPs.
Here are a few comparison photos with other 75 BPs.
The smooth goldplated BP apparently was made available with a mechanical pencil as these photos illustrate. The MP version is the bottom one in the photo and its point sticks out farther than a BP. I recognize this is using the pencil cartridge which was readily available at the time, and is an alternative to the typical BP refill.