Here are all the prototypes found to date.
Here is a prototype in red laque.
Here are two test market laque Premiers in red and blue-grey.
This one is a dark blue-black that is difficult to photograph without it looking like it is black.
What is most interesting about this pen is that it has Chinese characters, a feature that I have never seen in any Premier before.
Furthermore other interesting things about these characters are:
Here is another prototype, a BP with a rainbow of colors from blue to purple. It is quite extraordinary.
Here's a close-up showing off the colors.
Here is another BP prototype with a rainbow of colors. I think this is yet another sample of the BP above but with some speckling added.
This is a laque blue prototype FP. What is curious is the total lack of facets that is a normal characteristic of the Premier line which you can see on the cap band with the Parker name.
You can see the rounded facet-less tassie in this close-up of the cap.
Here is a brass RB. The overall shape of this pen is quite different, plus the tassies are also round like the above blue.
Notice the clip meets the cap in a slot so that there doesn't appear to have stacked circular rings like the above blue cap.
I deduce these FP and RB are transitional pens between the 75 and Premier because of the clip-cap interface and rounded tassies.
This is a bit darker shade that the one above.
Here is an unnamed plastic Premier prototype with a beautiful swirl pattern.
Even more remarkable is that is was made in the UK.
This is a Premier that is rather special as it is in solid 18K gold and a pattern that has never been seen before as a Premier.
You can get a better idea of this basketweave patter in the close-up images below. Note also that the tassies do not have the faceted rings as in the normal production version.
And here are the expected hallmarks to indicate that the cap and barrel are made of solid 18K gold — the eagle's head.