by Lih-Tah Wong
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Monday Aug 29, 2005

At this point I am ready to find ways to track down Patrick, so I decided to go to his named reference, the British Writing Equipment Society and the named secretary, Mr. Charles Whitehead.

Hello Mr. Whitehead,

I am unable to reach Mr. Dieth via email. It would appear his Yahoo address has been purged because he was unable to check his email after his car accident in March.

Do you know what is Mr. Dieth's current email address?

Thank you for your assistance.

Lih-Tah Wong

I was amazed what this little inquiry brought!  With Charles' permission, here is his email reply only 20 minutes later:

Hi Li Tah

Mr. Dieth is either under criminal investigation, or I hope, has been arrested for fraud. He is a known criminal in his area in Germany and has conned people out of money in UK and in Germany, including his own parents. As far as In know, both his e-mail and his mobile telephone have been suspended. The email he sent to you was at the time he was running scams in UK and Germany, perhaps you got taken in too. I hope not - he took me for about £150.

He is no longer a member of WES.

Kind Regards

Charles whitehead

I sent this reply shortly afterwards:

Hi Charles,

Thank you for responding so quickly.

Yes, I'm afraid I fell victim as well. Not too badly though, and a little less than you at US$177.

If there is any pen community action against him, I would certainly like to join. In fact, I plan to add a page on my Parker 75 website about personal experiences with cheats. In intend to provide all emails documenting the facts and let the visitors know. I will make a note about others who have been victimized as I receive emails.


Tuesday Aug 30, 2005

Hours later, Charles replied:

Hi Li-Tah,

My research into this was to employ a firm of German lawyers; they were based in Berlin but advertised on the web, who did some investigating for me. They discovered that he owed his father, who was suing him, over 30,000 Euros. Her e mail to me is below. I think it would be a waste of time and money, I am just telling all the dealers I know. And there is a note in my column of the next WES journal, due out shortly.





There was no reaction or payment, so I called the debtor. I only reached his father, as the provided number was his.

He basically told me that his son is a crook and also stole money from him (over 30,000 EUR). Other criminal investigations are also pending. The debtor has also already filed for insolvency, and there is nothing to get from him at this time.

The only thing you could do now would be filing a criminal charge. But if this will help - I doubt it.

I see no way to proceed successfully here. I am sorry.

See the article Charles wrote for the WES Journal, which I include with his permission.  Thanks Charles!

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