If you have a production Parker 75 and you don't know what it is called, this page will be useful in your identification process. From these thumbnail pictures, you can find a direct link to the pages that describe them.
For prototypes or unknown patterns, you will have to go to their specific pages.
Bicentennial LE in pewter |
Flighter in stainless steel |
Keepsake in sterling silver |
Presidential in solid 14K gold |
Ambassador which was also private labeled for Tiffany and Saks Fifth Avenue
Florence vermeil or
Godron in goldplate or
Crosshatch square grid or Ciselé in a variety of materials: sterling
silver with a limited edition version known as the Spanish
Treasure Fleet goldplated
(French) |
Damier in vermeil or
Prince de Galles
in goldplate or
Acacia or bark in solid 18K gold |
Basketweave in solid 18K gold
Chevron in sterling silver or
| |
Ecorce in goldplate or silverplate |
Fougère in vermeil or |
Grain d'Orge aka Barleycorn
| |
Perlé in goldplate or |
RMS Queen Elizabeth limited edition